Barre Lando on the weird recurring crud

And what we can do about it

Ten days ago I woke up feeling liked I’d been run over by a train. My entire body ached. I felt exhausted. It reminded me of a “sickness” I experienced last winter. Just like last winter the episode started with 24 hours of whole-body pain and extreme fatigue. Unlike last time, there were no respiratory symptoms. Instead I went through days of nausea and had four straight days of diarrhea.

Like the episode from last winter, I took this as an opportunity to clear some really deep trauma, stuff that dates to the prenatal / first few months of life period. Like last winter’s “flu symptoms” I know that I didn’t pick up a “virus” from anyone (not only because viruses aren’t what we’re told they are, but also because no one around me got sick or had any of the symptoms I had).

I’m feeling almost back to normal after ten days and I’m grateful to have cleared another chunk of trauma that was so deep as to be pretty much inaccessible on a mental/emotional level. Meaning, it almost had to be shat out to trigger the release of the trapped emotional material in the body.

In this four-minute video, Dr. Barre Paul Lando of Alfa Vedic describes a similar experience he had recently and shares what he believes caused his “sickness”. I’m agnostic on ivermectin, by the way. The only time I’ve had diarrhea that was worse (and lasted longer) than this recent episode was when I got an intestinal parasite in Peru years ago. I tried to heal it with herbs and vitamins and after a couple weeks of suffering I took a pharmaceutical anti-parasitic drug and I’m glad I did.

But in principle, I believe Barre’s stance is correct. We all need to be detoxing from heavy metals and we need to do our best to protect ourselves from the destructive frequencies we’re being blasted with. We need to get strong and vibrant and we need to stop turning to the corrupt medical industry for healing. Because Rockefeller medicine quackery can’t heal us. While the poisons they give us may mitigate certain symptoms, they also weaken our bodies over the long haul and make us more susceptible to the poisons in our atmosphere, food, water and air.

The only other thing I’d add here is that I believe the toxins being sprayed on us in the name of geo-engineering work synergistically with the frequency weapons being used on the population. Not to freak anyone out even more, but we’re living in a war. As I’ve said often over the last three years, it’s a spiritual war and it’s an information war. But it’s also a frequency war and it’s a war on Nature - of which, as long as we’re in these bodies in this realm, we are a part.

By the way, I try to drop little bread crumbs for those of you who are interested in seeing the world differently. As humanity collectively tries to wake up and shake off the stupor of the last 100 years of psyops, official misinformation, and mass mind control, “truther” media continues to proliferate. I think we can learn something from almost any different perspective, but there’s a lot of ignorance (and chicanery) in the alternative mediasphere. I only share sources I feel have a strong connection to integrity and truth, and Barre Lando feels like the real deal to me.

Exactly Where I'm At - DK Brainard
Exactly Where I'm At - DK Brainard
DK Brainard