One of my goals with this newsletter is to share some of the information I’ve come across as I started doing more and more research into the Covid-19/Great Reset/information warfare/biosecurity state agenda after the Covid psyop started last year.
This feels important because the more I follow the breadcrumb trails of our lost history, the more convinced I am that CIA Director William Casey was completely serious about the three-letter agencies’ agenda when he uttered his famous quote:
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."
I really do believe we can reclaim the world from the forces of ignorance and greed. And I believe we can do it in a reasonably short time, provided we accept the offers of assistance we are getting from ancestors, other-dimensional allies, and Earth herself.
I also believe that our collective ignorance is one of the biggest obstacles that could keep we the people from taking our power back from the controllers and their corrupt systems.
Much like the toxic shame we’re afflicted with upon arrival here, our ignorance about the world and what really happened before we arrived isn’t our fault. We are lied to from the moment we get here and — most of us being basically good or at least starting with the desire to be good — we believe the lies we are taught. As we go through life, we reinforce these lies with our faith and we enforce them on our fellow men and women and pass them on to our children.
And so the official narrative flows onward, never mind how many sudden twists it makes or how often it doubles back upon itself, or the sheer ridiculousness of some of the claims it makes — claims that are taken as facts, as objective reality.
How the Truth Sets Us Free
Don Miguel Ruiz called the world that results from believing in the lies of the Parasite the dream of the planet. As long as we continue to invest our currency (our time and attention) and our faith in the lies we have been taught to believe, we wall ourselves off from the true nature of this paradise planet and from our own power to restore Mother Earth to her natural state.
“Three or four thousand years ago, humans discovered that knowledge is contaminated by lies,” Ruiz writes in The Voice of Knowledge. “If we clean all of the lies from our knowledge, we will go back to the paradise that we lost. We will return to truth, return to love, and reunite with God.”
The great news about the time we live in is that the global scope of the Covid-19 psyop has opened up huge cracks in the consensus reality.
Many people started asking questions somewhere between the start of 15 Days to Slow the Spread and “Yes, you still need to mask and social distance even if you’re fully vaccinated — and by the way, you’re no longer fully vaccinated because it says here on your health passport you haven’t received the latest booster.”
But it’s not enough to realize that the politicians and billionaires and the corporate media have been lying to us about Covid. What we need to come to terms with is the fact that so much of what we thought we knew for certain about the world is a fabricated fiction designed to keep us in a state of learned helplessness.
I’ve been enjoying the epic “flat earth” documentaries by the inimitable ewaranon. I find the flat earth idea interesting. But it’s even more interesting to me that I can watch these and other documentaries with an open mind. I’m pretty sure that my “official narrative internal fact-check program” would have closed a lot of this stuff down real fast pre-2020.
Coney Island Babies
“When you're all alone and lonely in your midnight hour
And you find that your soul, it has been up for sale
And you getting to think about, all the things you done
And you getting to hate just about everything…
And all your two-bit friends have gone and ripped you off
They're talking behind your back saying, man
You are never going to be a human being”
— Lou Reed, “Coney Island Baby”
Here’s a clip from ewaranon’s The Lost History of Flat Earth (full clip) showing some truly mind-blowing carnival entertainment:
My questions, and I’d love to hear what you think or hear about related lost history: Where did all those babies come from? Was it more feasible than one would think to get a premature baby who would die without an incubator (a recent invention as of 1903 when Martin Couney set up his first Coney Island exhibit) to Coney Island in time for Couney to save the baby’s life? What about the fact that the part of Coney Island that hosted the initial Infants in Incubators exhibit burned in a great fire in 1911? Or the fact it was called Dreamland? Is it relevant that Couney seems to have set up shop at a lot of World’s Fairs? Does Lou Reed’s song “Coney Island Baby” referring to this phenomenon?
Test tube babies?
very suspicious!