Over the hills a desolate wind
Turns shit to gold and blows my soul crazy
The end oh the end
We live again
Oh I grow weary of the end
- Beck, "We Live Again"
Good day,
We may have hit a new high-water mark for psyops in the lead-up to the April 8 total solar eclipse. Authorities in towns that lie in the path of totality are apparently urging residents to stockpile two weeks’ worth of food, water, and gas. A state of emergency has been declared over the entire state of Indiana. After a long break, CERN — which two weeks ago announced its new “White Rabbit Collaboration” — says it will fire up its time machine/hadron collider on April 8. Rumors are flying about Disease X, coordinated terror events across the U.S., a mass die-off of the vaxxed…there are so many psyops going it’s hard to keep up!
It seems like a lot of people are buying into this eclipse as the potential catalyst for a “disaster of biblical proportions…dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria” level of chaos.
I don’t know if I’ve said this out loud on Substack before but I do think 2024 is going to go down as one of the craziest years of our lifetimes. That doesn’t mean I think it will be the worst year, although it definitely could be that for many people. I do think it will be apocalyptic (unveiling): a year in which many things that have been hidden in plain sight will be revealed in a way that is beyond shocking to people who are still locked into the Matrix programming we were all given upon entry to this realm.
That being said, while the Aries total solar eclipse on April 8 is certainly remarkable, I don’t see those types of apocalyptic events in the eclipse signature.
What stands out immediately, besides the relatively rare fact of the eclipse totality path cutting across the North American continent, is the exact-to-the-arc-minute conjunction of the eclipse Sun and Moon to Chiron. I don’t recall a conjunction that exact in an eclipse chart since I’ve been following eclipses; the fact that the eclipse and transiting Chiron are also just over half a degree from exact conjunction with the USA’s natal Chiron certainly seems significant as well.
But if any of the Ghostbusters-style events being forecast on social media do come about, they won’t be caused by the Aries solar eclipse. They will most likely be false flag events that have been in the pipeline just waiting for the right time to be released. It’s worth underlining again that the controllers of the world system that has held humans hostage on Earth for thousands of years are very well versed in astrology. They’ve been refining their understanding of the collective energetics for many centuries and they’re quite adept at choosing moments when a false flag or manufactured crisis will be most likely to bring about the result that suits their agenda.
Social media and 24/7 media coverage fit perfectly into this agenda, because it’s much easier to harvest the loosh when the people are actively participating in your scheme, i.e. willingly giving up the desired emotional response to the fear programming you’re putting out there.
I continue to believe that the slave planet / chattel plantation system that has been in place for at least the last two thousand years is being dismantled. I still believe we are very close to the end of World War III (a spiritual/information war) and are on the threshold of a new era in which we get our life energy and joy back and get to create the world as it was meant to be - a garden of delights.
But this change is so radical and most people are in such a deep state of Stockholm syndrome identification with their captors, the destruction of the old system and unveiling of the new world is going to engender a series of psychic, spiritual, and physical shocks that probably can’t be fully imagined beforehand. This process is reaching a critical mass in 2024, although the clean-up and rebuilding phase may stretch on for decades.
Also: the creeps that make up the deep state/cabal/parasite class know their time is numbered but it’s in their nature to cause as much devastation and suffering as possible before they are taken out.1
Solar Eclipse + Chiron + Aries
Aries is the sign that is concerned with individual Selfhood – the process of becoming a Self. In my astrology video on Chiron in Aries, I look at Chiron’s placement in Aries every 50 years as the influx of a mini-generation of souls who agree to come here and focus on healing a deep wound around self-esteem. This focus is obviously most crucial in the charts of people born with Chiron in Aries, but as Chiron transits the sign of the Ram he is opening a window of time when the Chiron-in-Aries healing journey becomes a universal theme: recognize how we are wounded as selves, seek healing, and become masters of Self-realization.
Solar eclipses mark the end of an old cycle of experience and the start of a new one. So I see this eclipse, with its focus on Chiron in Aries, as being largely a very positive energy in the sense that it brings in a long-lasting ray of radical healing energy that is designed to empower us to reclaim our agency and integrity as creative, integral beings. This is an opportunity for us — as individual first, and then as a collective — to shake off the centuries of inherited programming and mind control that have kept us trapped in patterns of low self-esteem, passivity, and perpetual debt.
I’ve found Bernadette Brady’s work on the Saros series to be remarkably accurate in understanding what a given solar eclipse is likely to bring to light. Brady’s perspective is that the first eclipse in a series will set the tone for all of the succeeding eclipses and that we can’t properly understand any given eclipse without knowing something of the family it “grew out of.”
The April 8 eclipse is a member of the 8 North Saros family. The initial eclipse for this series happened in 1501 and features a square from the eclipse Sun/Moon to Uranus, with some strong Pluto energy involved as well. So, it makes sense that in addition to emphasizing the need for us to follow our own impulses and inner guidance and live as self-generative and self-directive beings (New Moon/Chiron in Aries), this eclipse is likely to bring in a time of sudden change, swift destruction of old systems, and collective movement toward revolution/innovation (Uranus). With Pluto also involved in the initial eclipse, we can expect to see an emphasis on Pluto’s death-and-rebirth process — one that is already playing out in world society as Pluto makes its final exit from Capricorn and settles into Aquarius at the end of 2024 for the first time since the U.S. and French revolutions in the late 18th century.
And…if some of the predicted disasters of biblical proportions should actually be scheduled to go off in conjunction with the eclipse, no amount of worry or fear on our parts will keep them from happening. In fact, the opposite is true — the more we add our life energy to the collective fear and hysteria, the more likely it is the controllers will be able to bring about something truly disastrous.
It’s good to be prepared. Good to have clean water in reserve, good to have a little extra food and gas in case the supply chain gets disrupted or whatever. But the best thing we can do in these chaotic times is step back, stay grounded, and focus our thoughts and hearts on what is beautiful and true and in alignment with who we really are — eternal souls who agreed to come here at this crazy time in the history of Earth and anchor in the higher vibration of the world we desire to live in.
A national state of emergency here in the U.S. involving martial law or a new period of lockdowns is another possibility for shocking happenings timed to this eclipse. If this happens, my information leads me to believe it would actually be done to protect the populace so that bad actors can be neutralized and the new world financial system can be put in place with the least amount of collateral damage.
Love the Ghostbusters reference! Can't post. Says invalid.