In the Infants in Incubators piece, I talk about Don Miguel Ruiz and the dream of the planet — the collective hallucination of poverty, violence, war and disease we are told is just “the way of the world.”
Ruiz comes from a lineage of Toltec naguals. The Toltecs in Mexico long ago discovered the ability to see the world as energy. They saw that an inorganic entity had infected humans and inserted lies into our minds about who we are and what the world is like. They call this entity the Parasite. Ruiz calls its thoughts — which we learn early on to mis-take for our own thoughts — the voice of knowledge.
I’ve seen this entity and have yet to find a better name for it than the Parasite, so I use the Toltec term because it seems closest to the truth.
In this way of visualizing the energetic world — the world that underlies and makes possible the mass hallucination we call reality — we see that the Parasite has infected the entire human species. Everyone born into the world becomes infected, not just certain races or societies or other groups of people.
I don’t know if Ruiz talks about this anywhere, but in my seeing, the Parasite infects humans by entering through the crown chakra (crown = corona) at the top of the skull. Interesting that the supposed virus with a 99.7 percent survival rate used as justification to plunge the world into a prolonged state of panic, division, and mental illness was immediately labeled the coronavirus. (Yes, we all know now that the common cold is supposedly the result of coronaviruses other than SARS COV-2, but the Covid-19 operation put the word at the front of everyone’s mind.
It’s obvious (and not just to me) that the real coronavirus is a fear virus: a self-replicating mental toxin that has the ability to spread rapidly from person to person and through the airwaves in the form of imagery and thoughtforms carried by high-frequency radiation to people’s TVs, computers, phones, and mobile devices.
To be clear for those who haven’t read Ruiz, the “voice of knowledge” Ruiz is talking about is not telling us the truth. Both Ruiz and Don Juan, the Toltec nagual in Castaneda’s books, are clear that direct knowing or gnosis is apprehended through the body. The Parasite, on the other hand, communicates through our internal dialogue.
Interesting that society has ‘evolved’ to the point where people are bathing in streams of dialogue and information nearly around the clock. As long as we are living from inside our heads, swimming in someone else’s thoughts and words, and disconnected from the wisdom of our bodies, it is very hard for us to know what is true and what is right.
This is why Tatiana and I place so much emphasis on learning to get a ‘yes or no’ answer from the body. As long as we are grounded and centered (and not high, drunk, or otherwise ‘out of it’), we can always know the truth through the body.